[ag-automation] Antwort: Re: Booting fails with

Carsten Emde Carsten.Emde at osadl.org
Thu Nov 22 14:40:45 CET 2007

M.Voss at wzl.rwth-aachen.de wrote:
>>> I have a running openSuSE 10.3 with original Kernel
>>> I compiled a new kernel ( patched with the RT-Preempt patch 
>>> according to the Installation How-To an the OSADL-website. Everything 
>>> worked fine. Even a correct entry within the GRUB bootmanager has been 
>>> generated. 
>>> But when I now try to boot the new kernel it seems to have problems with 
>>> the hard disk. I get the following message:
>>> "Waiting for device 
>>> /dev/disk/by-id/scsi_SATA_Maxtor_33073H3_L3HC4GBC-part2 to appear 
>>> ...................................
>>>  could not find scsi_SATA_Maxtor_33073H3_L3HC4GBC-part2"
>>> After that message I get a question I can answer Y/N... whatever I type, 
>>> the booting stops and I end up in a shell.
>> Hmm. Looks like the symbolic link is missing or incorrect.
>> Can you please provide the output of: ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ 
>> for a working and a non working kernel ?
> ls -l /dev/disk/by-id
> here for the working kernel:
> [..]
> on the not-booting rt-patched-kernel I there ist no "disk" and no "sda" 
> entry in the "/dev" directory. So, there seems to be the problem... is 
> there a way to fix it?
Any SuSEologist out there? Is there a special SuSE way to replace a 
distro kernel with a native one? If so, I would like to add the 
appropriate description to the HOWTO on the OSADL Web site.


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